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Case discussions from a young adult endocrine clinic (non-promotional supported webinar)

11 Mar


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Case discussions from a young adult endocrine clinic (non-promotional supported webinar)

Case discussions from a young adult endocrine clinic (non-promotional supported webinar)

Join us on Monday March 11, 5.30-6.15m for this upcoming webinar 'Case discussions from a young adult endocrine clinic'.

Speaker: Helena Gleeson, Consultant Endocrinologist



Session information: Many trainees and colleagues have limited exposure to the provision of endocrine care in adolescents and young adults.  The post-clinic meeting provides invaluable learning, so using this format, the webinar will be a series of case discussions highlighting key aspects of childhood endocrine conditions, endocrine presentations in adolescence, transition and working effectively with young people.

Speaker information

Helena Gleeson is a consultant endocrinologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Her research into the late effects of cancer therapy at Christie Hospital Manchester highlighted the importance of seamless care for patients with childhood conditions that have health implications in adulthood. She works in the young adult and late effects service in Birmingham. She is involved in writing national and international guidelines on endocrine late effects. She is also involved in national initiatives to improve adolescent health care and transition, focusing on training healthcare professionals.

This webinar has been supported, without any involvement in the content or speaker fees, by financial funding to the Society for Endocrinology from Sandoz company.


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Society members work together to advance clinical practice in endocrinology, by developing guidance on the diagnosis and management of hormone-related conditions and contributing to UK-wide research projects among other activities. Our work sets the highest standards in endocrine care.

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