Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Opportunities with the Society

The Society offers fantastic training opportunities which are free of charge for Society members, and reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. All opportunities will be advertised widely for members.

Other opportunities

Free fellowships and courses:

Courses (at cost):

Attend a public engagement conference

  • The Little Event - for people who are relatively new to STEM communication, whether they work in a science centre or museum, volunteer for a festival, are involved in university outreach, or do anything else to engage people with sciences.
  • The BIG Event - The BIG Event is relevant for designers, presenters, educators, students, front of house staff, evaluators, educationalists, funders, and anyone involved in the public engagement with STEM. Many people working in the STEM engagement field have little opportunity to cross paths with their peers, so the BIG Event is designed with exactly this in mind.
  • NCPPE Engage Conference - Engage is the only national conference focused on public engagement in UK higher education and delegates come from a broad range of disciplinary and practice backgrounds, from different types of institutions and different stages of career.
  • Public Communication of Science and Technology - PCST is the global network for science communication and their conferences bring together practitioners, educators and researchers in this steadily spreading field to share experiences and ideas. Many of those participating in cover two or more roles in science communication and thus embody the interaction of theory and practice that we strive for.
  • UK wide SciComm Socials

Do you have information to add or do you have any questions? Get in touch at