Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrine Networks

The Endocrine Networks enable members to share knowledge and best practice to find solutions to challenges within their specialist field.

The Networks are a platform for collaboration for basic and clinical researchers, clinical endocrinologists and endocrine nurses. Eight Endocrine Networks have been established, each with a clinical and a science convenor.  

View the Endrocrine Networks remit


Each Network is led by two Convenors, one with predominantly clinical interests and the other scientific.

If you have news, events or resources to share with your Networks, please contact us.

To join an Endocrine Network, please login to the ‘My profile’ section of Members’ Area and select your Networks.   

Members' Area

Convenors:Dr Matthew Gage (London) and Dr Yasir Elhassan (Birmingham)


Dr Rowan Hardy (Birmingham)

Dr Lavanya Pelluri (Birmingham)


Convenors: Dr Claire Higham (Manchester), Dr Helen Simpson (London) and Dr Agnieszka Falinska (London)

Convenors: Dr Ruth Casey (Cambridge) and Dr Claire Fletcher (London)

Convenors: Dr Gavin Bewick (London) and Professor Tricia Tan (London)

Convenors: Dr Niki Karavitaki (Birmingham) and Dr Federica Begalli (London)

Convenor: Dr Karen Forbes (Leeds) 

Dr Peter Taylor (Cardiff)
Dr Martin Read (Birmingham)

This is an interactive page where Network members can share resources and information that will be of interest to other Network members. Please send items for inclusion to [email protected]


Bone and Calcium

Supplementary survey