Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Dr Simpson is a highly experienced clinical endocrinologist. She is dedicated to her patients as well as the wider endocrine patient community. She has been pivotal to many projects locally and nationally to improve clinical care and outcome for endocrine patients.

Her main recent successful project is on steroid emergency management in adrenal insufficiency.
For this Helen worked closely with the with National Medicines Safety Joint Working Group which include NHSE/I deputy chief pharmaceutical officer ad team, RCN, British Pharmacological Society, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, RCP patient safety committee, BNF team. This has been a coordinated approach to Patient Safety for people with Adrenal Insufficiency.

It has been described by Dr John D Dean. Clinical Director for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, RCP, as a potential landmark in patient safety in the UK. The challenge of reliable emergency treatment for people with known or potential adrenal insufficiency has been known and discussed for many years. The spectrum of patients and scenarios in which effective emergency treatment may be required and the multiple specialities, and healthcare sectors involved in coordinating treatment and prevention has landed this in the “too difficult box” for too long, and people have come to harm. Patient groups and endocrinologists through the Society for Endocrinology have been advocating for a coordinated approach. This work has resulted in clear published and widely available evidence based guidelines, the development and launch of a patient held Steroid Emergency Treatment Card, and the underpinning mechanisms for this to be integrated into practice across the NHS through the actions outlined in a national Patient Safety Alert.

Helen’s contribution and leadership to this project cannot be underestimated and should be applauded. The Steroid Emergency Card had an early soft launch so that it was available for people with known adrenal insufficiency during the COVID 19 pandemic, giving patients and staff more confidence that the right treatment would be given even in the most challenging times, and has had positive patient feedback.