Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


The Society is committed to recognising and rewarding excellence in endocrinology research and clinical practice.

The Society has always recognised endocrine professionals across the breadth of endocrinology for excellent work. Through our annual programme of Medals, Prizes and Awards, we aim to celebrate the diversity of our discipline and community. The Society awards five medals per year. All medal lectures are given at the Society’s BES conference. 

The Dale Medal Lifetime Achievement is awarded, on an annual basis, to a member of the scientific community in recognition of outstanding studies which have changed our understanding of endocrinology in a fundamental way. The Dale Medal Lifetime Achievement is the highest accolade bestowed by the Society.

Awardees will give a plenary at the following SfE BES (normally March) where the medal will be presented.

Congratulations to our 2025 Winner, Professor Shlomo Melmed.

Please ensure you refer to the eligibility criteria and career guidance table for the award before completing the application form. 

Previous awards:

2023: J Speakman
2022: M McCarthy
2021: S Farooqi
2020: F Ashcroft
2019: C Stratakis
2018: K Chatterjee
2017: A Hattersley
2016: P Stewart
2015: R Thakker
2014: B W O’Malley
2013: R M Evans
2012: K S Korach
2011: E R Simpson

The Outstanding Contribution Medal (formerly known as The Jubilee Medal). This award recognises those who are ‘good citizens’ whose contributions extend well beyond research, education and practice and, in particular, contributions to the Society.

Awardees will give a plenary at the following SfE BES (normally March) where the medal will be presented.

Congratulations to our 2025 Winner, Professor Ashley Barry Grossman.

Previous awards:

2023: S Franks
2022: A Clark
2021: S Shalet
2020: A White
2019: J Davis
2018: M Parker
2017: J Buckingham
2016: S Bloom
2012: M C Sheppard
2009: J A H Wass
2006: S G Hillier
2001: G M Besser
1996: B J A Furr

The Mid-Career Medal for Research Excellence (formerly The Society for Endocrinology Medal) is awarded on an annual basis. This award recognises the contributions to research of individuals at the mid-stage of their career.

Awardees will give a plenary at the following SfE BES (normally March) where the medal will be presented.

Congratulations to our 2025 Professor Abigail Fowden.

Please ensure you refer to the eligibility criteria and career guidance table for the award before completing the application form. 

Previous awards:

2023: E Pearson
2022: G Yeo
2021: J Tomlinson
2020: D Ray
2019: P Saunders
2018: S Lightman
2017: T Vidal Puig
2016: Jason Carroll
2015: W S Dhillo
2014: A Loudon
2013: M Korbonits
2012: I S Farooqi
2011: G R Williams
2010: W Arlt

The Early Career Medal for Research Excellence (formerly The Starling Medal) is awarded, on an annual basis, to honour an emerging outstanding basic, clinical or translational scientist who is a member of the Society and whose work has contributed to exceptional scientific advances in endocrinology. 

Candidates are normally expected to hold an academic position at a UK or Ireland academic institution and to have carried out the majority of the work that forms the basis of the nomination in the UK or Ireland.  They are expected to be further advanced than the recipients of the Emerging Researcher Prize Lectures and normally less established/advanced than the Mid Career Medal for Research Excellence recipient.

Awardees will give a plenary at the following SfE BES (normally March) where the medal will be presented. An honorarium will also be given.

Congratulations to our 2025 Winner, Professor Sarah Flanagan.

Please ensure you refer to the eligibility criteria and career guidance table for the award before completing the application form. 

Previous recipients:

2023: L Chan
2022: C Andoniadou
2021: R Stimson
2020: D Calebiro
2019: M Ralser
2018: L Hodson
2017: D Hodson
2016: G G Lavery
2015: R K Semple


The Nikki Kieffer Medal is awarded, on an annual basis, to recognise nurses who have demonstrated innovative and successful nurse-led initiatives in the endocrine field that have advanced best practice in patient care, education or research.

Awardees will give a plenary at the following SfE BES (normally March) where the medal will be presented and Endocrine Academy

Learn more and nominate

Congratulations to our 2025 Nikki Kieffer Medal Winner, Ms Lisa Shepherd.

Please ensure you refer to the eligibility criteria and career guidance table for the award before completing the application form. 

Previous winners:

2023: P Yeoh
2022: S Llahana
2021: A Marland


Applications can be made via an open call to Society members, together with those put forward by any committee. Applications for all awards can be self-nominating or you can propose someone else. 

Medallists are selected by the Society’s Awards and Prizes Committee and nominations are considered on the basis of scientific excellence, broad contribution to the discipline and impact.

The Society for Endocrinology is committed to inclusivity and diversity across all of its work. As part of this, we welcome nominations and nominees from across the full breadth of professionals and those groups who are currently underrepresented in endocrinology. Please view our diversity policy.



The application deadline is 26 January 2025 23.59(GMT).


Please ensure you refer to the eligibility criteria and career guidance table for the award before completing the application form. 

How to apply

Please complete the application form online. If you have any questions please contact: [email protected]

Apply Now!


You can refer to our past medallists list to ensure eligibility of nominees.


  • Candidates may not be Officers, Officers-elect or members of the Awards and Prizes Committee at the time of application or at the time of delivery of the lecture. Council members, as Trustees, are not able to receive the personal honorarium associated with the medal if they are in post at the time the lecture is given.
  • Clinical Endocrinology Journal Foundation and British Thyroid Association Pitt-Rivers Award winners are not eligible to be awarded a Society Medal in the same year.
  • Candidates cannot be awarded more than one of the Society awards per year.
  • Medallists should not be invited within 5 years of receiving another medal unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • Check the membership requirements for each award.