Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Travel Grant

To support members’ travel to conferences and meetings.

Travel grants-in-aid will be considered for attendance at Society for Endocrinology events. A limited number of grants will be available for attendance at overseas events, where the applicant can demonstrate added value by incorporating additional activities (such as a lab visit, departmental seminar, research visit etc.). To be considered for a grant for international travel, applicants are expected to have attended the Society’s annual conference, SfE BES, at least once, in the past three years (e.g. to have attended either SfE BES 2021, 2022 or 2023).

Travel grants are highly competitive and applicants wishing to attend the Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting 2024 or SfE BES 2025 conference or other scientific conferences will need to provide evidence of an accepted abstract before payment is made or the grant will be withdrawn.  Grants are not awarded retrospectively, and so please do apply in advance to the appropriate grant deadline.




The next deadline is 11:59 (BST) on Wednesday 22 May 2024 (This is the deadline to use for applications for travel for the Joint Irish-UK Endocrine Meeting, Belfast, October 2024)

The final deadline of 2024 is 11:59 (BST) on Wednesday 2 October 2024 (This is the deadline to use for applications for travel for SfE BES 2025, Harrogate, March 2025)

There will be 3 deadlines a year and applications for all 5 grants types will be accepted at each deadline.


Barriers to application have been removed and ALL members will be eligible to apply for ALL grants; Single
and multiple co-applicant applications are welcome from members. However, the only caveat is that
Student Members should not be the primary applicant, but are welcome to be a named co-applicant,
which will benefit their CV and career development.

Primary Applicants should have been a Society member for at least one year prior to the grant deadline or
for 6 months for an Early Career member.

Society for Endocrinology affiliated Patient Support Groups are welcome to apply for the Outreach grant,
either alone, jointly with another affiliated Patient Support Group or in collaboration with Society

How to apply

Guidance for applicants Grant report form

Please view the guidance for applicants for further information, including indicative values for grants, and submit completed applications by the appropriate deadline.

All grants are highly competitive and so applicants are encouraged to read the guidance carefully in
advance, to be specific and detailed when answering questions on the application form and to seek advice
and feedback from colleagues before submitting the final application.


Please enter your full name
Please briefly describe your current position and give an indication of how long you have been in that role
Department, institution, town/city and country
Please give in full
City and country
Please give name of the society, organization or individual (e.g. Society for Endocrinology)
Conference, event or meeting start date
Conference, event or meeting end date

If you are incorporating any additional work-related activities or visits while travelling to the primary event, please give brief details and approximate travel dates. Maximum of 200 words
To be considered for a grant for international travel, applicants are expected to have attended the Society’s annual conference SfE BES at least once in the last three years.

If necessary, please use this space to include details of any mitigating circumstances that you would like to be considered (e.g. career breaks, change of field etc.) Maximum of 100 words.
Please provide in GBP (£)
Please give details and provide evidence of matched funding arrangements, if appropriate

Please list all current approvals and those you intend to apply for. Give reference numbers if applicable.

In order to evaluate your application, the data that you submit via this form will be shared with the Grants Panel, relevant Society members and staff working for the Society for Endocrinology. We will store your data securely and only authorized personnel will be able to access it. If your application is unsuccessful we will delete your application data from our systems one year from the deadline for this grant. If your application is successful, we will hold your application data for 7 years in order to administer the grant and subsequent impact reporting.

Successful grant awardees will be required to submit a report and details of the timeline will be provided in
the award letter. There may be additional expectations of outcomes from the applicants as detailed in each grant type.

If you have additional questions or seek clarification, before applying, please contact [email protected].