Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Research Grant

To support members’ research and audit activities in the area of pituitary or adrenal, supported by the Marjorie Robinson Fund

The Society offers small grants and grants-in-aid to support members with any aspect of research and audit costs (except salary and institutional overheads). A non-exclusive list of examples would include consumables, equipment, service provision, data analysis, facility access, seed funding for pilot studies, or to complete projects. These grants are particularly suitable for supporting unanticipated costs to complete the final stages of a PhD or Early Career Researcher (ECR) project or for enabling the collection of preliminary data to leverage funding from national funding bodies.

Pedagogical research in endocrinology is also allowed under the scope of the research grant sectionproviding the research outcomes are clearly justified.

Support for visits to other institutions which are essential to the project will also be considered. For example, your project may require visits to labs and other institutions for research or clinical skills, to form collaborations or to learn techniques. In exceptional circumstances, the Society will consider funding for professional training courses where they are directly related to endocrinology. Applicants should not include requests for travel to present findings at meetings or otherwise disseminate the results of the study.

The Society also welcomes applications which assist members to re-establish their research after a career break or change of field.

For the May 2025 deadline we are only welcoming applications for funding research projects within the Pituitary and Adrenal fields, which will be funded by our Marjorie Robinson Fund.



The deadline for this grant is Wednesday, 7 May, 11:59 (BST).


Barriers to application have been removed and ALL members will be eligible to apply for ALL grants; Single and multiple co-applicant applications are welcome from members. However, the only caveat is that Student Members should not be the primary applicant, but are welcome to be a named co-applicant, which will benefit their CV and career development.

Primary Applicants should have been a Society member for at least one year prior to the grant deadline or for 6 months for an Early Career member.


How to apply

Please view the guidance for applicants for further information, including indicative values for grants, and submit completed applications forms as Word documents to [email protected] by the appropriate deadline.

All grants are highly competitive and so applicants are encouraged to read the guidance carefully in advance, to be specific and detailed when answering questions on the application form and to seek advice and feedback from colleagues before submitting the final application.

Guidance for applicants Grant report form Apply today


Please view the guidance for applicants for further information, including indicative values for grants, and submit completed applications forms as Word documents to [email protected] by the appropriate deadline.

All grants are highly competitive and so applicants are encouraged to read the guidance carefully in
advance, to be specific and detailed when answering questions on the application form and to seek advice
and feedback from colleagues before submitting the final application.

Successful grant awardees will be required to submit a report and details of the timeline will be provided in
the award letter. There may be additional expectations of outcomes from the applicants as detailed in each grant type.

If you have additional questions or seek clarification, before applying, please contact [email protected].