Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Dr Helen Simpson is a Consultant Endocrinologist working at UCLH since 2017 and at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge for 12 years prior to that. She has extensive clinical experience within endocrinology in the out patient and in patient settings including seeing referrals in ED, Acute medicine and surgery, oncology, neurosurgery  and ICU.

She is Clincal Lead for  Endocirnology and Outpatient Transformation at UCLH with a focus on patient safety and the aim to make our out-pateint services fit for the new world we live in. She is an active member of the Society for Endocrinology, recently being elected to Council, and was delighted to receive the 2021 award for outstanding clinical pratitioner. She is member of the RCP Patient Safety Committee,  working with RCP, SfE and NHSE&I to improve care for all patients with adrenal insuffieincy, including the NHS Emergency Steroid Card.

She is also Topic Advisor for the NICE guideline, the focus of the upcoming webinar. She works closely with patients support groups, and leads Twitter chats on adrenal insufficiency and other endocinroogy issues as well as (over) sharing cricket news whenever necessary.