Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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What are endocrine disrupting chemicals and why we need better regulation to protect our health

What are endocrine disrupting chemicals and why we need better regulation to protect our health

Europe wide population testing shows that people are constantly exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals, (EDCs), via air, food, water and consumer products. Health impacts associated with exposure include reproductive issues, obesity, impacted brain development and hormone related cancers. The EU has been working towards banning EDCs in consumer products, with a ban on known and suspected EDCs in toys on the near horizon. How concerned should we be about exposure to these substances, and what action is being taken in the UK now that we have an independent regulatory system?

Join Professor Paul Fowler, Chair in Translational Medical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen and Chloe Topping from the charity CHEM Trust for a lunchtime webinar to find out.

Date: Friday 18 October 

Time: 12:00-13:00

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