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Up to date diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism

27 Jan


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Hypothyroidism is a common disorder, affecting 2-5% of the population, with prevalences even higher in older people. Whilst treatment is straightforward for the majority of patients, a significant proportion have continued symptoms of ill health despite biochemical normalisation of their thyroid function and many patients are not adequately treated. There is continued intense debate around treatment thresholds and therapeutic strategies and individualised decision making may be needed. This webinar will highlight the key considerations and controversies in diagnosing and managing hypothyroidism.

Up to date diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism

Up to date diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism

Date: Monday 27 January 

Time: 17:00-18:00


Session overview

Hypothyroidism is a common disorder affecting 2-5% of the population, with even higher prevalence among older individuals. While treatment is straightforward for most patients, many continue to experience symptoms despite normal thyroid function tests, and some are not adequately treated.

Join us as we delve into the key considerations and controversies in diagnosing and managing hypothyroidism.

This webinar will cover:

  • Continued symptoms despite biochemical normalisation
  • Treatment thresholds and therapeutic strategies
  • The need for individualised decision-making.

See also...

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