Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


Thyroid Ultrasound

A new one-day programme combining knowledge and hands-on experience of thyroid ultrasound. This course is aimed at all endocrine specialists from registrar level through to experienced consultants.

The fundamental knowledge about the use of ultrasound and diagnostic features of various thyroid pathologies will be initially delivered using a lecture format. This will be followed by a practical hands-on workshop in small group teaching which will consolidate the knowledge from the morning sessions. A variety of clinical cases will be discussed throughout the course allowing time for group discussion with our expert panel. This course will improve your clinical practice and provide the initial step for those willing to pursue their thyroid ultrasound skills further.

Thyroid Ultrasound 2025

Join us on 2 November 2025 in Stratford-upon-Avon for a one-day programme combining knowledge and hands-on experience of thyroid ultrasound. This course is aimed at all endocrine specialists from registrar level, through to experienced consultants.