Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Meet the experts

Endocrine Genetic Testing 2024 has been devised by a Founding Group of experts, who are shaping the future of Genetic Testing. 

Professor Marta Korbonits, London 

Marta Headshot

Márta Korbonits, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCP, is a Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London and current President of the Society of Endocrinology.

Her interests include endocrine tumorigenesis, especially the genetic origin of pituitary adenomas and other endocrine tumour syndromes. She works on both the clinical characterisation and molecular aspects of pituitary diseases and leads a large international consortium to study the genetic background of endocrine tumours. She has over 200 original papers published (Scopus H-index of 64). She shares her time between clinical patient care, clinical research, laboratory-based research, and teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She received several national and international awards and is an elected Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She served on the Executive Committee of ENEA, SfE, and ESE and is currently the Deputy Editor of Endocrine-Related Cancer


Dr Ruth Casey, Cambridge 

Dr Ruth Casey

Dr Ruth Casey is a consultant endocrinologist in Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and holds an academic position as a senior research fellow in the Department of Medical Genetics at Cambridge University. Dr Casey leads neuroendocrine tumour (NET) and endocrine cancer services in Cambridge and is the endocrine lead for the endocrine genetics service, encompassing both clinical practice and independently-funded research in GIST, phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma.







Professor Miles Levy, Leicester 

Miles Levy

Professor Miles Levy, Consultant Endocrinologist, University Hospitals of Leicester. Professor Levy was appointed Consultant Endocrinologist at University Hospitals of Leicester in 2005 and is currently an Honorary Professor at Leicester University. Professor Levy's research interests include the genetics of endocrine tumours, functional imaging in endocrine tumours and the association of pituitary tumours and headache. Miles is the CRG Lead Endocrinology for Midlands and East, and Training Programme Director for Diabetes and Endocrinology East Midlands South. Professor Levy has an active role within the Society is currently a member of Council and was previously a member of both the Clinical Committee and Public Engagement Committee, a Media Advisor for the Society and was the Editor in Chief for You and Your Hormones, the Society’s public-facing website. 



Dr Paul Newey, Dundee 

Dr Paul Newey Photo 2 Edit

Dr Paul Newey is a Clinical Reader and Honorary Consultant Endocrinologist at Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, University of Dundee, Scotland. He undertook his medical degree in Edinburgh before moving to Oxford for specialist training where he undertook a DPhil in molecular genetics. He moved to Dundee in 2014, where he now combines clinical and research interests, primarily in genetic testing, monogenic endocrine tumour syndromes and disorders of calcium homeostasis. He is clinical lead for endocrine genetics at Ninewells Hospital & Medical School which hosts the national NGS endocrine genetic testing service in Scotland.