Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Session overview

During this webinar we will hear from Doug Robertson who will explore:

  • what an asynchronous (virtual) clinic is and approaches in managing it
  • what can you do to ensure the patient is connected and involved with their care
  • how you can keep the GP informed to avoid duplication or patients being lost

To get the most out of these sessions we encourage all members to attend the webinars live. If you would like to catch up or revisit the content at any time, sessions will also be made available on-demand behind the Members' Area. 


Speaker info


Doug Robertson is diabetologist and endocrinologist at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.He has been a CCG Governing Body member for several years and has recently stepped down from over a decade of medical and emergency care management positions across primary and secondary care. During this time, he led public health projects which stimulated his interest in delivering population healthcare for common endocrine conditions.

He is currently the Clinical Lead for Outpatient Recovery and Transformation for the Cheshire & Merseyside ICS.In the last three years he has contributed to the Society for Endocrinology’s Governance review and the ‘Defining the Future of Endocrinology’ (DfE) project.

He now sits on the Clinical Committee and recently led the workgroup to implment the recommendations from DfE and GIRFT.