Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 153 Cover (1)
Issue 153 Autumn 2024

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2024 > Society News


| Society News

Do you want to help shape the future of your Society?

Do you want to use your skills in new ways and expand your professional network?

Then apply for one of our 2025 vacancies

We need many voices to be represented in the Society’s leadership, so we can adapt to support endocrinology into the future. We’re on the lookout for members from all career levels, backgrounds, locations and specialties, who can bring fresh perspectives to our Council of Management and Committees, to maximise the impact of the Society.

If you’re motivated to make a difference and keen to help shape a positive, successful future for endocrinology, then we’d like you to join us!


By joining your Society’s leadership team you can make meaningful changes happen within both the Society and the field of endocrinology. You can support the next generation of endocrinologists, enhance patient care, and empower people to make better decisions about their health. You’ll also expand your professional network and have the opportunity to use your skills in new ways.


Council of Management

  • President-elect
  • Council Member 

Committee Chairs

  • Clinical Committee Chair-elect
  • Corporate Liaison Committee Chair-elect
  • Nurse Committee Chair-elect

Committee Members

  • Clinical Committee 3 vacancies 
  • Corporate Liaison Committee 5 vacancies
  • Events and Training Committee 4 vacancies
  • Grants Committee: 1 vacancy
  • Nominations Committee 3 vacancies 
  • Nurse Committee: 4 vacancies 
  • Programme Committee 4 vacancies 
  • Public Engagement Committee 3 vacancies 
  • Science Committee 2 vacancies

There are also opportunities to become an Endocrine Network Convenor, and to sit on the Leadership and Development Awards Selection Panel.


Committee members Joanne Brown, Abigail Byford and Craig Beal

Committee members Joanne Brown, Abigail Byford and Craig Beal

“I hadn’t realised how welcoming the Committees would be. They are approachable and they value your contribution; everyone’s views are respected. If you are interested in a role, apply for it! You will learn something new, the experience will be beneficial to your career and you can help to develop areas within the Society that benefit its members.

JOANNE BROWN, Nurse Committee

“I have met and networked with lots of new people through being on the Public Engagement Committee. I really enjoy attending the meetings, and the social aspect of being involved in the group!

ABIGAIL BYFORD, Public Engagement Committee

“The other people on the Committee are lovely, and it’s interesting to hear about their experiences in their institution and at their career stage. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” I would encourage people to apply, and bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the role. What would success look like? Making positive contributions to the community."

CRAIG BEALL, Science Committee

Find out more about our current vacancies, and how to apply

This Issue:

Autumn 2024

Autumn 2024