Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 153 Cover (1)
Issue 153 Autumn 2024

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2024 > Hot topics


| Hot topics

This review by Shaikh et al. focuses on the management of Prader–Willi Syndrome in a practical and adaptable manner. It will be useful to both paediatric and adult endocrinologists.

The authors have taken care to talk about actual groundwork. This includes the formation of a multidisciplinary team to manage patients with these complex requirements, and undertaking a focused clinical history and examination, presented in a useful and easy-to-digest tabular fashion, for the benefit of clinicians working with these patients (going through esoteric descriptions can make endocrinologists very nervous!). In particular, a thorough review of growth hormone therapy, alongside management of nutrition and puberty, is valuable for adult and paediatric endocrinologists, and can be applied easily.

This article would add confidence to any clinician’s repertoire, whilst dealing with a complicated and rare endocrine syndrome.

Read the full article in Endocrine Connections 13 e240091

This Issue:

Autumn 2024

Autumn 2024