Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


KIM JONAS | A word from the Editor

Welcome to the autumn issue of The Endocrinologist, on the theme of stress and trauma. With the start of the new academic year upon us, this theme feels fitting, ahead of the excitement (and stress!) of preparing for new student intakes and the commencement of teaching. Summer feels long behind us. 

At The Endocrinologist HQ, we have put together an issue covering many interesting topics. Personal highlights include the insights from Rob Gifford and Thomas O’Leary into the impact of arduous training on the endocrine system, focusing on extreme environments encountered during Antarctic expeditions and military training. The themes discussed in that article are echoed in the item contributed by our Editorial Board member John Hough, who discusses endocrine changes as readouts of overtraining.

Ashley Cave gives us some interesting tips on managing our mental health. Given the multifaceted nature and demands of our roles, this article provides practical advice and a personal anecdote about her own methods of managing her mental health. I know my recent foray into the world of yoga has been beneficial for my own mental health and mindfulness. 

I very much enjoyed the opportunity to conduct the issue’s interview with Kevin O’Byrne. As he studied under the tutelage of many of the greats in reproductive physiology, such as Ernst Knobil, who were making pioneering discoveries that still underpin our knowledge of the reproductive system, it’s a fascinating read. Of particular importance is Kevin’s advice for ECRs on having confidence in yourself (this is arguably applicable at all career stages), as we can be great self-saboteurs! 

Wishing you a wonderful autumn term. 


This Issue:

Autumn 2024

Autumn 2024

The Endocrinologist


Spring 25

Spring 2025