Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


KIM JONAS | A word from the Editor

Welcome to our Early Career Takeover issue!

Early career member involvement and support at the Society have changed recently – including moving from a single committee to the inclusion of elected early career members on each Society committee. So, at The Endocrinologist HQ, we felt it was particularly important to showcase the work, achievements and career perspectives of our talented early career colleagues. This issue therefore brings you exactly that, with diary pieces and feature articles from early career prize winners and members, alongside career perspectives and hints and tips from those who are more experienced.

When reviewing the submitted articles, I was particularly struck by ‘A week in the life of a junior doctor’, written by our very own Editorial Board member, Vincent Simpson. The diary entry is a very frank and honest description of an on-call week for a junior doctor, balancing patient needs with clinical demands and the volume of patients yet to be seen. All that is in addition to the pulls of home life that having a young family brings.

With public engagement an increasingly important aspect of academic life, some excellent hints, tips and advice are provided by Caroline Gillet. Meanwhile, our ‘words to our younger selves’ feature some sage advice on finding mentors, pursuing your passions and saying yes to opportunities!

Reflecting on my career to date and what I would say to my younger self, I would certainly echo all the words from this feature and say don’t be afraid to ask for advice. My successful grant applications have almost all been the ones that have been read by and had extensive feedback from people both directly in my field and to the left of my field. So do put yourself out there, be brave and ask for help!

Wishing you a restful summer.


This Issue:

Summer 2024

Summer 2024

The Endocrinologist


Winter 2024

Winter 2024