Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 147 Cover (Small)
Issue 147 Spring 2023

Endocrinologist > Spring 2023 > Society News


| Society News

Join us in congratulating the Society for Endocrinology’s 2023 Medallists and Awardees! These globally renowned endocrinologists have made significant contributions to advancing research, knowledge and clinical practice in our field. You can enjoy their plenary lectures at the Society for Endocrinology BES conference in Glasgow on 13–15 November 2023.


Dale medallist, John Speakman

John Speakman

Professor John Speakman
Aberdeen, UK
“I was extremely surprised and beyond happy to receive the message that I had been awarded the 2023 Dale Medal. It is great to see this recognition for the work of my group, which is focused on energy balance and its important roles in obesity and ageing. I feel extremely honoured and I am looking forward to the meeting in Glasgow in November and to presenting some of our work."


European Medallist, Kristina Schoonjans

Kristina Schoonjans

Professor Kristina Schoonjans
Lausanne, Switzerland
“I am deeply honoured to receive the 2023 European Medal from the Society for Endocrinology for my work on bile acid signalling. The discovery that bile acids act as endocrine factors has been transformative to many areas of basic and clinical research. My work is the fruit of many years of passionate teamwork, and I am grateful to all my collaborators and colleagues who have contributed to this achievement."


International medallist, Holly Ingram

Holly Ingram

Professor Holly Ingraham
San Francisco, CA, USA
“What a lovely surprise, opening my email and learning that I would be the 2023 International Medallist. This honour was genuinely unexpected. Work from our lab has leveraged curiosity-driven basic science and biological sex to focus on questions highly relevant to women’s health. I can’t wait to meet others at SfE BES 2023 in Glasgow, and share our newest findings on hormone-responsive nodes in the brain and peripheral tissues."


Nikki Kieffer medallist, Phillip Yeoh

Phillip Yeoh

Mr Phillip Yeoh
London, UK
“I am immensely honoured and humbled to receive 2023 Nikki Kieffer Medal from the Society for Endocrinology. The Society has always been supportive of my endocrine nursing journey, and I am so grateful to my dear friend Nikki Kieffer, who helped and mentored me for all those years. Without the support of my colleagues, this would not have been possible."


Jubilee Medallist, Stephen Franks

Stephen Franks

Professor Stephen Franks
London, UK
“The Society for Endocrinology has been an important part of my scientific life since I started my career in endocrinology, so I feel immensely proud and honoured to be chosen by my peers to give the Jubilee Medal Lecture.


Society medallist, Ewan Pearson

Ewan Pearson

Professor Ewan Pearson
Dundee, UK
“I am delighted to be awarded the Society Medal, which I accept on behalf of my team, past and present, and the many collaborators whom I’ve worked with over the years. I’ve worked on genetics and precision medicine in diabetes over the last 25 years and look forward to presenting some of this work in Glasgow later this year."


Starling medallist, Li Chan

Li Chan

Dr Li Chan
London, UK
“I am very honoured to be awarded this medal and extremely grateful to the Society for Endocrinology for the recognition. No man (or woman) is an island, and I am thankful for the decades of support from many people (at all levels, at work and at home), societies and funders that have allowed me to flourish as a clinician scientist."


Transatlantic medallist, Harald Jeuppner

Harald Jeuppner

Professor Harald Jueppner
Boston, MA, USA
“I am enormously grateful for being selected as recipient of the 2023 Transatlantic Medal, an award that I could not have imagined when I started my professional path. I am fortunate to have met so many outstanding mentors, colleagues and trainees, who helped me become a clinician scientist and who encouraged my pursuit of research collaborations with various European institutions."


Our Teaching Achievement and Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Awards recognise excellence in teaching and in delivering patient care.


Teaching Achievement Awardee, Alexander Comninos

Alexander Comninos

Dr Alexander Comninos
London, UK
“I am truly honoured and delighted to receive this award from the Society for Endocrinology. I have been surrounded by brilliant educators for many years, and thank them for inspiring me in my own simple efforts to energise and teach in a wide range of settings."


Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Awardee, Richard Quinton

Richard Quinton

Professor Richard Quinton
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
“I am enormously privileged and humbled by this award, albeit already feeling slightly nervous as to how I can possibly deliver a talk at SfE BES Glasgow even half as informative, self-reflective and entertaining as Will Drake’s 2022 lecture in Harrogate. My first BES meeting was in Bournemouth in 1994, when I distinctly recall feeling out of my depth in terms of knowledge, experience and networking skills, and the future seemed so completely unmapped. I could not have imagined what a fascinating, stimulating and rewarding field endocrinology would prove to be for me, nor how many enduring friendships I would end up making."


Who do you think deserves recognition for their contribution to endocrinology? Nominations are now open!



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