Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


KIM JONAS | A word from the Editor

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this issue of The Endocrinologist, which (perhaps somewhat ironically for a Spring issue) has the theme of ‘ageing’. Ageing is something that remains topical, with UKRI’s recent 5-year strategy, ‘Transforming tomorrow together’, listing ‘Securing better health, ageing and well-being’ as one of five priority funding areas, with approximately £75 million dedicated to this theme.

Our issue covers a variety of topics in the ageing arena, with articles spanning different aspects of musculo-skeletal and endocrine ageing, and a series of three articles examining various elements of ovarian ageing and menopause.

You’ll see that this issue is also brimming with news from the Society for Endocrinology. An interesting article by Deepika Kumanan, Vicky Salem and Kevin Murphy presents the findings of a survey conducted at SfE BES 2021 on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). This provides interesting reading on gender balance in audience participation, in terms of posing questions and styles of questions asked. EDI in article commissioning is something that was discussed at our recent board meeting for The Endocrinologist, where we considered how we, as an editorial board, can commission articles from more diverse authors. If there is a topic area or theme in endocrinology that you feel passionately about, and on which you would be willing to contribute an article, please do get in touch with us.

In our interview with Márta Korbonits, the new President of the Society, she provides some sage advice. I think it is applicable at all career stages: believe in yourself and your ideas, setbacks are part of the job and reinvent yourself from time to time. Wise words for us all to remember!

With best wishes


This Issue:

Spring 2023

Spring 2023

The Endocrinologist


Spring 25

Spring 2025