Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 145 Cover (Small)
Issue 145 Autumn 2022

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2022 > Society News


| Society News

One outcome of the Society’s recent governance review was an acknowledgement of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the organisation’s future activities.

Council agreed to set up a member-led working group, to look at the specific EDI recommendations. This will ensure a culture of open and fair opportunity throughout the Society, which will make certain that all members feel that they belong, are represented in the organisation’s activities and benefit from its work, regardless of their location and/or experience.

Channa Jayasena

Channa Jayasena

Council member Channa Jayasena is leading this important project. Following an open call to the membership in June, the working group was assembled and held its initial meeting in July.

The aim is to consult with the wider membership as appropriate during the autumn, and develop the recommendations, which will be delivered to Council early in 2023.
The working group members are:

Miss Leanne Delbene, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton
Dr Taha Elajnaf, University of Oxford
Dr Anneke Graf, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow
Dr Kagabo Hirwa, University Hospital Plymouth
Dr Nauman Jadoon, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock
Dr Mamta Joshi, St Helier’s Hospital, Sutton
Dr Li Kang, University of Dundee
Dr Ashutosh Kapoor, Northwick Park Hospital, London
Dr George Lam, Frimley Park Hospital
Dr Sath Nag, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Middlesbrough
Dr Cristina Perez Ternero, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Kiserah Philip, William Harvey Research Institute, London

“The Society is our community, providing fantastic opportunities for career development, networking and leadership to its members. However, some facets of our community do not fully benefit from these opportunities; reasons include lack of awareness of opportunities, imposter syndrome (‘why would they want me?’), or perceiving elitism. This EDI group will ensure that every member has the same opportunities, regardless of where they work, their gender, or background. Importantly, the key decisions and recommendations are being made by a brilliant, cross-section of our community." Channa Jayasena


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Autumn 2022

The Endocrinologist


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