Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones


KIM JONAS | A word from the Editor

Welcome to our career-themed issue of The Endocrinologist, which encompasses many career stages in our field! You will find short articles from previous recipients of summer studentships and early career grants, as well as updates and opportunities in clinical training and academic pathways. There are interviews with colleagues in industry and endocrine nursing. Lewis Mattin and Sara Rankin talk about how neurodiversity has been a part of their career success stories.

Putting this issue together has made me reflect on my career ‘journey’ (yes, the ‘J’ word!) and experiences to date that have shaped this. One important aspect has been the sense of community that derives from being a member of the Society for Endocrinology and other learned societies. The Society’s November meeting (now rolled into the SfE BES conference) was the first conference I attended as a PhD student. I vividly remember the excitement of seeing (and having a glass of wine with) ‘real scientists’ whose names I had seen in journal articles, and hearing the latest updates in the wider endocrinological field. The Society’s annual meetings soon became my scientific home, and the support network and friendships I have made along the way have been invaluable.

Building on ‘What I wish I had known…’, my one piece of advice would be to network! Put yourself out there – say hello to your peers, introduce yourself to the person and people whose papers you have been reading. These are the people who will become your collaborators, your peer reviewers for grants and journal articles and, for at least some, your friends. With SfE BES 2022 fast approaching, there’s no time like the present to try it!

Best wishes

Kim Jonas

This Issue:

Autumn 2022

Autumn 2022

The Endocrinologist


Spring 25

Spring 2025