Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Endocrinologist 142 Cover
Issue 142 Winter 2021

Endocrinologist > Winter 2021 > Society News


| Society News

Day 1 CON 3287

Our annual SfE BES conference was held in Edinburgh on 8–10 November. The event attracted 841 in-person attendees over 3 days for the very best clinical and scientific endocrine research from across the discipline, for the first time since 2019.

After all the disruption to the endocrine community since March 2020, it was fantastic to welcome so many of you back for a full conference programme, live in Edinburgh. We also understood that not everyone would be able to travel, so introduced a new on-demand registration option for attendees to access the best of the programme after the event.


Really well organised, very interesting, loved the debate lecture.

The programme included the presidential lecture, plenaries, medal lectures, oral communications, poster presentations, an interactive debate, applied physiology workshops, meet the expert sessions, ‘what is new’ sessions and our special 75th anniversary lecture, which celebrated our Society and discipline. We were honoured to welcome Professor Jeffery Friedman, as our 75th anniversary lecturer and Nobel Laureate, Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe, who delivered an outstanding presidential lecture. Structuring our symposia, meet the expert sessions, oral communications and poster sessions around the Endocrine Network topics was again successful at bringing these communities together for a more tailored conference experience.


Day 2 CON 3874


A really superb meeting – the plenaries were exceptional.

On Monday evening, delegates finally had the chance to mingle with a socially-distanced drink and a nibble at the welcome reception, whilst some Early Career and Nurse Members had a night of frivolity at the Curry and Quiz. There was a real buzz of excitement, as teams competed to make the best endocrine organ models, get the most questions correct and dance their way to prizes!


The impressive National Museum of Scotland provided the venue for the conference dinner. Amongst the grand setting, fabulous food and beautiful exhibits, delegates were able to have a dance and enjoy a long-awaited get-together! See if you can spot yourself and your colleagues in the SfE BES photo albums on Facebook.


Day 2 CON 3867


  • 841 delegates attended
  • 404 abstracts submitted
  • 352 posters presented
  • 36 oral communications
  • over 440 tweets used #SFEBES2021 during the event
  • 567 registered users on the App
  • over 320 press articles published about research at the conference



It’s not all about the prestigious Medal Lecturers at the SfE BES conference, the best presentations of new research and clinical practice advances were also recognised with a selection of prizes awarded at the event.

Sherwin Criseno (L) and Lisa Shepherd (R) receiving their awards from XX

Sherwin Criseno (L) and Lisa Shepherd (R) receiving their awards from XX

Clinical Endocrinology Trust prizes

Top scoring clinical abstract: Alexander Lewis and Richard Ross (EC1.3)

Top scoring basic abstract: Mariana Norton (EC1.4)

Top nursing practice abstract: Kerrie Grounds (P130)

Annette Louise Seal Award (sponsored by Addison’s Disease Self Help Group)

  • Winner: Sherwin Criseno (P17)
  • Runner up: Lisa Shepherd (P133)

Featured Clinical Cases Poster Prize (supported by Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports): Shailesh Gohil (CC5).


Rebecca Mile receiving her award from Raj Thakker

Rebecca Mile receiving her award from Raj Thakker

Endocrine Network Prizes

Adrenal and Cardiovascular 

  • Best oral: Giulia Argentesi (OC4.2)
  • Best poster: Emily Warmington (OP2.3)

Bone and Calcium 

  • Best oral: Morten S Hansen (OC5.2)
  • Best poster: Muhammad Fahad Arshad (OP5.1)

Endocrine Cancer and Late Effects 

  • Best oral: Claire Fletcher (OC2.5)
  • Best poster: Rebecca Mile (OP6.4)

Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes 

  • Best oral: Phyllis Phuah (OC3.5)
  • Best poster: Lewis Spencer (and Georgios Dimitriadis) (OP4.2)

Reproductive and Neuroendocrinology

  • Best oral: Layla Thurston (OC1.1)
  • Best poster: Abigail Byford (OP3.2)


  • Best oral: Steffen Mayerl (OC6.2)
  • Best poster: George Pooley and Bronwyn Shishkin (OP1.4)
Browse all the abstracts from SfE BES 2021 in Endocrine Abstracts
Day 3 CON 4297



The high-quality, cutting-edge research presented at SfE BES 2021 attracted plenty of attention from mainstream and medical media across the globe.

Your Society press office was kept very busy in Edinburgh promoting three press releases based on submitted abstracts, and making sure interested journalists had all the information they needed to write accurate and engaging stories.

The conference was covered in some high-profile and well-regarded press, including the Telegraph, Daily Mail, MedicalXpress, Medscape, Healio/Endocrine Today and the Huffington Post.

Press releases

  • New app helps parents identify treatable childhood growth disorders earlier
  • COVID-19 pandemic associated with disruptions to women’s reproductive health
  • Dexamethasone effectively reduces COVID-19 deaths but potential diabetic-like complications should be monitored


We’d like to thank all of our exhibitors and sponsors for supporting this amazing event and hope to see you all at SfE BES 2022! 


SAVE THE DATE! SfE BES 2022, Harrogate, 14-16 November


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Winter 2021

Winter 2021

The Endocrinologist


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Spring 2025