Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Issue 133 Autumn 2019

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2019 > Society News

What’s new at SfE BES 2019?

Duncan Bassett | Society News



This year, the Society for Endocrinology BES conference is set to bring you a novel programme format, focusing on each of the endocrine subspecialties and their Endocrine Network communities. The new presentation areas and innovative sessions at SfE BES 2019, on 11−13 November in Brighton, will ensure that there is something for everyone. Here, Duncan Bassett, our new Programme Secretary, explains what’s different and why you should take the time to explore this essential event on the endocrinology calendar.


When I took over as Programme Secretary last November, one of my top priorities was to encourage a greater number of higher quality and more diverse suggestions for our conference programme. The aims were to ensure that the programme was even more inclusive, and delivered for all key interest groups.

I think it is important for us as endocrinologists to challenge ourselves, to get out of our comfort zone and to embrace new technologies and approaches. Our annual conference is the ideal opportunity to increase exposure to world-leading innovation and to highlight new opportunities to advance endocrinology, as well as to bring the best cutting-edge clinical, basic and translational research to the community.

So we have introduced a fresh, novel programme for SfE BES 2019, which highlights the full breadth of endocrinology, and provides plenty of opportunities to advance our knowledge and strengthen collaboration within our community. As well as being more streamlined, the programme has fewer clashes and more time for lunch and networking with your colleagues and the wider community.


The tone of novelty, excitement and impact will be evident from the start, with two ‘What is New?’ sessions highlighting the most impressive advances in clinical endocrinology and basic science in the preceding year.

The Society’s Endocrine Networks, which bring together communities of Society members working in particular fields and subspecialties, will be more strongly engaged in the new format. This is evident in the programme, through co-ordinated symposia, Meet the Expert sessions, oral communications, poster sessions and prizes dedicated to each Network’s subspecialty. Our hope is that by ensuring leaders in the field are present, we will see an enhanced quality of questioning and greater interactions between members of the Networks at both more junior and senior levels. Dedicated Network meetings, on Wednesday lunchtime, will encourage members to connect with their Network colleagues to spark new collaborations and engage in developing suggestions and topics for their Network’s sessions at next year’s conference.


I think it is important to highlight major new national and global research initiatives, and to present opportunities for these resources, technologies and approaches to be incorporated into endocrine research. At SfE BES 2019, new, parallel, Innovation Sessions will cover clinical, scientific and industry developments, highlighting cross-cutting novel technology, ideas, resources or funding to both clinicians and research scientists.

Tuesday now features a dedicated programme for nurses that avoids clashes with the popular and valuable ‘How do I?’ sessions. In addition, nurses are invited to join the early career quiz on the Monday night, where they can network with fellow nurses from across the UK in an informal setting.

The SfE Theatre will bring a new dynamic and particular focus to the conference’s Exhibition Hall. It will be used for product demonstrations, lightning talks, Q&A sessions, oral poster sessions, and even a book launch by one of our senior endocrinologists. These events will take place in the Exhibition Hall during coffee breaks and lunchtimes, so keep an eye out for what’s coming up.

As always, the Society for Endocrinology BES conference offers a fantastic opportunity to exchange knowledge, share experiences and strengthen collaborations across our global community, I look forward to meeting you in Brighton.

Duncan Bassett, Programme Secretary, Society for Endocrinology

View the new programme at

Learn about the Endocrine Networks at

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