Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Issue 133 Autumn 2019

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2019 > Society News

More success for Society journals: new impact factors announced

| Society News

We are pleased to report another extremely successful year for the Society’s journals, following the recent announcement of the latest impact factors.

Journal of Endocrinology


Journal of Endocrinology’s impact factor has increased to 4.381. The journal now stands 31st out of 145 journals in the endocrinology and metabolism category. Now in its 80th year, it is well established as a leading title in its field.

‘We only accept the top manuscripts, making JOE and JME the recognised home for quality basic and translational endocrine research. If your paper is published in JOE or JME, you know that it will come to the attention of your peers worldwide.’

Colin Farquharson, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Endocrinology/Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology


Journal of Molecular Endocrinology’s 2018 impact factor is 3.744, with the 5-year measure also increasing, to 3.651. The journal now ranks 47th out of 145 journals in the endocrinology and metabolism category, climbing 11 places.

‘It is wonderful to see that both JOE and JME received increasing impact factors this year, reaffirming the importance of both these journals in the preclinical international endocrinology research community. The Editorial Board has worked really hard to ensure that each submission is treated efficiently but, more importantly, fairly, providing feedback that is appreciated by the submitting authors, regardless of the outcome.’

Sof Andrikopoulos, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Endocrinology/Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

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Clinical Endocrinology

Clinical Endocrinology received an impact factor of 2.897, standing at 79th out of 145 journals in its category.

Endocrine Connections


Endocrine Connections’ 2018 impact factor is 2.474, with the 5-year impact factor, a longer term measure of the authors’ research impact, increasing to 2.915.

‘The number one reason to publish in EC is that it supports academic, society-led dissemination of research findings. So your research is being read and reviewed by people who are involved and interested in the science.’

Keely McNamara, Senior Editor, Endocrine Connections

'EC provides a platform linking different disciplines within endocrinology, which is key, as all endocrine systems communicate with each other.’

Martina Rauner, Senior Editor, Endocrine Connections

Endocrine-Related Cancer


Endocrine-Related Cancer has achieved an impact factor of 4.774, with a 5-year value of 5.299. The journal remains in the top quartile in both its categories, ranking 27th in the endocrinology and metabolism category and 56th in the oncology category.

ERC presents cutting-edge work, with rapid turnaround and fair and equitable peer review.’

Charis Eng, Editor-in-Chief, Endocrine-Related Cancer

‘I think ERC is an important platform; unique in its focus on hormone-related cancers as well as on the metabolic associations with cancer and cancer treatments.’

Joanne Ngeow, Associate Editor, Endocrine-Related Cancer


We thank the Editorial Boards, authors and all reviewers for their tremendous hard work and dedication. This has ensured that the Society’s journals continue to be influential publications, which enable our community to advance scientific and clinical research in endocrinology for the public benefit.

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