Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

A word from the Guest Editor

Louise Hunter | A word from the Editor

Engaging fully with the theme of this issue – supporting the next generation of endocrinologists – our Editor has generously ceded these opening words to me. Whether you’re a trainee clinician or scientist, or indeed trainee clinician scientist, I hope you’ll find some useful advice here. If you’re at a more advanced career stage, I hope this issue will motivate you to continue encouraging and nurturing junior colleagues and colleagues-to-be.

For those pursuing research, Matthew Sinton and Kim Jonas provide tips on choosing a PhD and securing funding respectively. Relevant to all of us are Jackie Maybin’s brilliant suggestions on putting together a CV. Clinical training in all fields has its challenges and myself and Helen Simpson issue a call to arms to ensure we maintain strong recruitment to endocrinology and diabetes programmes. Alison Montgomery shares both her findings from a study of less than full time working and her personal, positive experience. Remember that the Society can be a great source of early career support; Ed Olaniru tells us about the Early Career Steering Group and supervisors and students tell us what the Summer Studentship scheme has meant to them.

There’s plenty of inspiration to be taken here too. The Early Career Prize Lecturers Douglas Gibson and Julia Prague share their research, whilst Shazia Hussain and colleagues from Barts show us how to enthuse junior clinicians. Alison Milne, Endocrine Nurse Award winner, highlights the importance of passion for your work. Finally, the inaugural recipients of the Society’s Leadership and Development Awards Programme are unveiled – please join the Editorial Board in warmly congratulating them.

Louise Hunter, ST6 Endocrinology & Diabetes (Manchester)

This Issue:

Autumn 2019

Autumn 2019

The Endocrinologist


Spring 25

Spring 2025