Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 132 Summer 2019

Endocrinologist > Summer 2019 > Nurses' News

Introducing Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing

Sofia Llahana | Nurses' News

We are very pleased to introduce the first book ever published for endocrine nurses, which has been produced under the auspices of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE).

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Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing

Eds S Llahana, C Follin, C Yedinak & A Grossman 2019, Springer, 1337 pp, colour

Hardback: £92.00, 2 vols ISBN 978-3-319-99815-2

eBook: £73.50 ISBN 978-3-319-99817-6

Section Editors: K Davies & M Keil (for paediatric sections), J van Eck, V Fazal-Sanderson, G Conway, A Dwyer, A Robinson, P Yeoh, A Marland & M Tadman

We identified the need for an evidence-based published resource to support endocrine nurses in advancing their practice, underpinned by the competence frameworks developed by our British colleagues.1,2 Significant but isolated clinical and research expertise was evident amongst our colleagues in the UK and internationally. We therefore formed an international network, in order to develop a comprehensive resource to support endocrine nurses around the globe. These colleagues work at different settings and levels of practice, from novice to expert, and from bedside nursing to advanced practice nursing, running independent nurse-led services.

Recognising the importance of multidisciplinary working, we also wanted this book to be a useful resource for practitioners in other specialties, such as fertility, osteoporosis, oncology, urology, gynaecology, and obesity and metabolic disorders, as well as specialty trainees, general practitioners, students and expert patients.

We anticipated and, indeed, faced many challenges in undertaking this project, especially as the role of the endocrine nurse, and nursing training and qualifications, vary significantly from country to country. We were, however, overwhelmed by the interest we received from colleagues who wanted to contribute to this book, echoing the great need for such a resource. In particular, this came from physicians and other healthcare professionals who recognise the endocrine nurse as a vital member of the multidisciplinary team.


ESE formed our initial working hub and supported this textbook from its inception. We created a strong collaborative international network: 118 eminent authors from 15 countries contributed to this book. Our authors are nurses, physicians, surgeons, psychologists, dieticians, clinical scientists and geneticists, emphasising the multidisciplinary focus of the book.

Each chapter includes a comprehensive review of the anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of different endocrine conditions, supported by the latest evidence and clinical guidelines. Patient stories, case studies and examples of good clinical practice are included, to illustrate the impact of endocrine conditions on patients and their families. These also stimulate the readers’ critical thinking and reflection, and make information in this book applicable to their practice. Many patient advocacy groups contributed case studies and educational resources, supporting the importance of user involvement and shared decision-making in patient care.

The book comprises 13 sections and has a total of 69 chapters. Our section editors played a vital role in inviting authors and editing the chapters in each section. Each section covers conditions relating to a specific endocrine gland (pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid and bone disorders, and male and female reproduction) and other relevant endocrine conditions, such as late effects of cancer treatment, neuroendocrine tumours, endocrine emergencies, and obesity and metabolic disorders. There are two sections specific to paediatrics (11 chapters). Paediatric aspects have also been incorporated into many other chapters, where relevant. The final section focuses on advanced practice nursing, presenting an overview of role development and the definition and components of advanced practice nursing, including research.


Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing is currently the only comprehensive evidence-based clinical reference for endocrine nurses. As such, it can be used alongside the Competency Framework for Adult Endocrine Nursing,2 to support the progression of nurses’ careers ‘from novice to expert’. In combination, they provide a framework for nurses to identify their personal educational and developmental needs and a ‘one stop shop’ resource to enhance their knowledge and competence.

The last section of the book is particularly useful, as it provides evidence-based and practical resources to support career progression and role development towards advanced nursing practice.

Division of the book into sections provides in-depth knowledge for nurses who want to develop expertise in specific areas within endocrinology: for example, reproduction or women’s health. This presents opportunities for professional development and education, by helping nurses to identify and bridge knowledge gaps. Each chapter also includes key reading and comprehensive reference lists of significant and current evidence on the subject. This can also provide stimuli to generate research questions and collaborative multidisciplinary working to improve patient care.

The book was formally launched at the European Congress of Endocrinology on Sunday 19 May 2019. We held two workshops (on acromegaly and adrenal insufficiency), illustrating the book’s role in supporting development of evidence-based knowledge, using the Competency Framework. We will continue to develop and deliver further workshops and online webinars, and anticipate this book will be a key reading reference on curricula for advanced nursing practice and endocrine academic courses.


Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing is a testament to what can be achieved when everyone works collaboratively towards the shared objective of advancing our profession and improving patient care. We developed a comprehensive evidence-based resource, which we hope and trust will assist and advise all our colleagues, to ensure the best possible patient care and to raise the profile of endocrine nursing around the globe.

Sofia Llahana, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director, MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, School of Health Sciences, City, University of London; Hon Consultant Nurse in Endocrinology, University College Hospital, London


  1. Casey A et al. 2013 Competences: an Integrated Career and Competency Framework for Children’s Nurse Endocrine Specialists. London: Royal College of Nursing.
  2. Kieffer V et al. 2015 Endocrine Connections 4 W1–W17.

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