Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 131 Spring 2019

Endocrinologist > Spring 2019 > Nurses' News

Nurses' Editorial

Anne Marland | Nurses' News

I’m delighted to be taking over as Nurse Committee Chair from Lisa, and I thank her for her leadership and innovation. I will endeavour to support and pursue the vision of nurses working within endocrinology in the UK.

Our roles are diverse, and we should all be very proud of what we achieve in our day-to-day working lives. Many of our international nurse colleagues now benchmark their clinical practice against innovation from the UK. You can read some of the exciting developments created through international collaboration in the FINE article on this page.

This is an exciting time for nurses, as we develop and extend our roles, through continuing professional development, research and wonderful innovation. I hope to see many of you at Endocrine Nurse Update on 8–9 April in Birmingham. This is a fantastic opportunity to network and increase your clinical knowledge. Remember to fill out the feedback forms, as this is how we can develop our training to suit all your needs.

I also encourage you to submit an abstract for the SfE BES conference in Brighton this November. As nurses, we should be proud of our achievements and our enquiring minds, so go on, give it a go!

I thank Michelle for her article about an innovative approach in adrenal insufficiency. Primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency can lead to an adrenal crisis, and still has an unfortunate mortality rate. Michelle’s article reflects how a dynamic nursing strategy within the synergistic multidisciplinary team can positively influence outcome and deliver optimum patient care. Michelle also highlights areas for future research – which reminds me to encourage you to apply for the Endocrine Nurse Grant (see for details). The next application deadline is 15 May.

I welcome ideas from you all. Please encourage your colleagues to become Nurse Members of the Society, as we are a vibrant community with a voice. Membership is a way to become more actively involved in issues which affect our profession.

Best wishes

Anne Marland, Nurse Committee Chair

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Spring 2019

Spring 2019

The Endocrinologist


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