Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 129 Autumn 2018

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2018 > Nurses' News

Congratulations to Julie Lynch, Endocrine Nurse Grant awardee

| Nurses' News


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We are delighted to announce that the first-ever Endocrine Nurse Grant has been awarded to Julie Lynch, Senior Research Nurse at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, for her project ‘Assessing the impact of residual adrenal function on adrenal crises and infections: can we direct educational resources?’

Do you have a project to improve nursing/ clinical practice, or to gather preliminary data to be used in a PhD application? Apply for funding to take your career to the next level with the Endocrine Nurse Grant.

The next deadline is 28 November.

Find out how to apply at

This Issue:

Autumn 2018

Autumn 2018

The Endocrinologist


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