Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 127 Spring 2018

Endocrinologist > Spring 2018 > Nurses' News

Nurses' Editorial

Lisa Shepherd | Nurses' News

Our first article of 2018 has been written by Anne Marland, from Oxford. Anne describes the fundamental and integral role that patient and public involvement (PPI) has in research: from conception, through involvement in the research and also in the dissemination of research outputs. Incorporating PPI strengthens the research process by understanding and representing the patients’ perspective and experience. It is also valuable in the development of new services. Read Anne’s suggestions to learn how you can involve PPI in your research.

If you are inspired to conduct some research, remember that the Society for Endocrinology Endocrine Nurse Grant is a great opportunity for nurses to improve research knowledge. Remember to embrace PPI and ensure that the perspective of the patient is at the heart of the research and that the study is important, meaningful, ethical and of high quality from conception to dissemination. Applications for the Endocrine Nurse Grant are currently welcomed, before the closing date of 23 May 2018.

I hope you have already registered for Endocrine Nurse Update 2018 on 16–17 April in Birmingham. Our exciting programme reflects your feedback to incorporate more interactive sessions and networking opportunities.

Don’t forget to nominate a nurse colleague for the Society for Endocrinology Endocrine Nurse Award 2019. Nominees should have demonstrated innovative and successful nurse-led initiatives in endocrinology that have led to advanced best practice in research, education or patient care. The closing date is 29 June 2018.

I look forward to seeing you in April at Endocrine Nurse Update 2018 in Birmingham.

Best wishes

Lisa Shepherd, Nurse Committee Chair

This Issue:

Spring 2018

Spring 2018

The Endocrinologist


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