Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

The Endocrinologist 126 Cover.jpg
Issue 126 Winter 2017

Endocrinologist > Winter 2017 > Nurses' News

Society grant supports endocrine nurses

| Nurses' News

The Society for Endocrinology is delighted to promote its exciting grant for its Nurse Members.

The new Endocrine Nurse Grant will support nurses who seek funding for a research or audit project to enhance nursing/clinical practice, or those who wish to produce preliminary data as part of a full application for a competitive doctoral research fellowship at the start of a PhD programme.

There will be two deadlines per year: 23 May and 28 November. The next is in May 2018. Up to £5,000 will be available at each deadline.

For more details, click here.

Developed by the Society’s Nurse Committee, this grant will enhance the profile of those within the nursing profession, and will provide an additional member benefit by extending the Society’s grants portfolio.

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