Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

The Endocrinologist 126 Cover.jpg
Issue 126 Winter 2017

Endocrinologist > Winter 2017 > Nurses' News

2018 Endocrine Nurse Award winner

| Nurses' News

The Society is delighted to announce that the winner of the Endocrine Nurse Award for 2018 is Janet Lewis, Endocrine Nurse Specialist at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Janet was chosen for the award because of her leadership in devising recommendations that improve the healthcare provision and equality for patients with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs).

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Janet said, ‘We researched the Welsh Cancer Delivery Plan, amongst other documents. This stated that all patients with cancer should have equal access to treatment, regardless of where they lived in Wales, and access to a clinical nurse specialist, of which the NET patients had neither. The effect of these recommendations is that the standard of care that NET patients in Wales receive has improved and become equitable.’


‘Janet has demonstrated the power of the Endocrine Specialist Nurse’s voice in supporting patients with NETs. She has networked at a national level with local government and patient support groups, and helped lead change in the support and management of patients in Wales with NETs, with a significant increase in funding and specialist clinicians to provide a quality NET service.’

‘Janet has helped transform a regional/Welsh service for the good of patients, engaging external commissioners and national authority. This is really transformational.’


The Society for Endocrinology’s Endocrine Nurse Award recognises individuals who have demonstrated innovative and successful nurse-led initiatives in the endocrine field that have advanced best practice in research, education or patient care. If you have a nurse colleague that you would like to nominate for the 2019 Endocrine Nurse Award, remember that applications are now open until 29 June 2018. Click here for more details. 

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