Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 125 Autumn 2017

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2017 > Society News

Winning awards: in recognition of excellence

| Society News

The Society makes several awards at the Society for Endocrinology BES conference. Here, we recognise the talent of endocrinologists at all career stages.


Two members are selected per year by the Nominations Committee.

Science lecturer

Caroline Gorvin (Oxford)

Insights into GPCR trafficking and biased signalling by studies of calcium homeostasis

Clinical lecturer

Jackie Maybin (Edinburgh)

The role of hypoxia in the physiology and pathology of menstruation


Five awards are made each year to recognise excellence in endocrine research and practice by noting authors’ contributions to the wider field of biomedicine and biological sciences. The winners are the authors of the highest ranked papers selected by the Editorial Board from those published in Society journals.

Journal of Endocrinology

Iulia Potorac et al. (Liège, Belgium)

A vital region for human glycoprotein hormone trafficking revealed by an LHB mutation (doi:10.1530/JOE-16-0384)

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

Kristine Wadosky et al. (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

MuRF1 mono-ubiquitinates TRα to inhibit T3-induced cardiac hypertrophy in vivo (doi:10.1530/JME-15-0283)

Endocrine-Related Cancer

Allison Sumis et al. (Washington, DC, USA)

Social isolation induces autophagy in the mouse mammary gland: link to increased mammary cancer risk (doi:10.1530/ERC-16-0359)

Endocrine Connections

Ashley Reeb et al. (St Louis, MO, USA)

Characterization of human follicular thyroid cancer cell lines in preclinical mouse models (doi:10.1530/EC-15-0114)

Clinical Endocrinology

Shakunthala Narayanaswamy et al. (London)

Subcutaneous infusion of kisspeptin-54 stimulates gonadotrophin release in women and the response correlates with basal oestradiol levels (doi:10.1111/cen.12977)


The Jubilee Medal

The Jubilee Medal

Dale Medal

Andrew Hattersley (Exeter)

Diagnostic diabetes: a paradigm shift

Jubilee Medal

Julia Buckingham (London)

Bacteria, steroids and formyl peptide receptors – more twists to the inflammatory response

Transatlantic Medal

Teresa Woodruff (Chicago, IL, USA)

What to watch: three breakthroughs that may change our lives in the next 10 years

International Medal

Andrew Arnold (Farmington, CT, USA)

Primary hyperparathyroidism: molecular genetic insights and clinical implications

European Medal

Marian Joëls (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Corticosteroids and the brain

Society Medal

Toni Vidal Puig (Cambridge)

Adipose tissue expandability, lipotoxicity and the metabolic syndrome

Starling Medal

David Hodson (Birmingham)

Next generation tools to understand endocrine function in health and disease

The Endocrinologist


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