Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 125 Autumn 2017

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2017 > Society News

Securing the Society’s future: a discipline that thrives

Graham Williams, Ian Russell & Laura Udakis | Society News

Our Society exists to support a vibrant community of professionals working within endocrinology in the UK and beyond. We want endocrinology as a discipline to thrive, its importance to be recognised and for it to be applied to tackle global challenges.

As with any organisation, it’s important that we take stock every few years to ensure our activities are working as hard as they can to achieve our vision.

The Society is currently going through this process, working with Council, committees and the wider membership to identify a strategic framework to focus our work for the next 4 years (2018–2022). This will help us effectively channel our precious time and energy and invest in initiatives that will add maximum value to strengthen the Society.

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Our recent membership survey gave you the opportunity to have your say about the future priorities for the Society. The strongest message was to make more efforts to attract non-specialised students into endocrinology to secure the future of the discipline. Other areas you told us were particularly important were investing in clinical guidance and research, and promoting endocrinology in the mainstream media.

It is also clear that the Society must work extra hard to ensure it is relevant to all the professionals we represent – scientists, clinicians and nurses – both within endocrinology and also working in roles relevant to endocrinology.



Our job now is to identify the priorities, targets and key measures within these areas, over which our Council and committees will take ownership. Underpinning this work are also several principles that we won’t lose sight of in our work:

  • Providing valuable, accessible member benefits
  • Growing the diversity of the membership
  • Ensuring we are a stable, resilient, efficient and diverse organisation.

Some of the priorities that have been identified to improve the way that you, our members, interact with the Society include putting more member services online and facilitating online member-to-member communications to make it easier for you to engage with the Society and work with one another. We will also get better at targeting Society information so that you receive the most relevant updates and opportunities through the right channels.

If you want to say more about what you think the Society should be focusing on over the next 4 years, please do get in touch at [email protected].

Graham Williams, Society President

Ian Russell, Chief Executive

Laura Udakis, Director of Membership Engagement

The Endocrinologist


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