Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

The Endocrinologist 125 Cover.jpg
Issue 125 Autumn 2017

Endocrinologist > Autumn 2017 > Society News

Represent the flavours of endocrinology!

| Society News

Do you want to increase interdisciplinary collaboration at your institution? Could you help to raise the profile of endocrinology, and inspire those working in intersecting fields to identify with the discipline? Then represent the Society within your organisation by becoming an Endocrine Ambassador.



As an Endocrine Ambassador, you’ll be your institution’s champion for endocrinology, bringing the many different flavours of our discipline together, and you’ll encourage students and colleagues to join the Society for Endocrinology.

As part of this role, you’ll be expected to:

  • organise small research seminars in your organisation to bring students and colleagues together around a relevant interdisciplinary theme; to do this, you can apply for the Endocrine Ambassador Grant of £100 (£200 in exceptional circumstances)
  • promote the Society for Endocrinology by displaying printed materials about the Society within your institution, and informing your colleagues and students about the benefits of membership
  • act as a proposer for new Society membership applications from your institution.

Each year, the three Endocrine Ambassadors who have recruited the most new members will receive free annual membership to the Society for Endocrinology.



A maximum of 20 grants, each of £100 (£200 in exceptional circumstances), are available to Endocrine Ambassadors on a first come, first served basis to support a small event aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and recruiting new members to the Society. The funding will be either to provide refreshments or to provide support for a speaker.



To apply to become an Endocrine Ambassador, head to the membership section of our website. For its 2017 intake of Ambassadors, the Society is aiming to recruit scientists from its ‘Full’ and ‘In-Training’ membership categories.

The Endocrinologist


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