Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

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Issue 124 Summer 2017

Endocrinologist > Summer 2017 > Society News

Want to talk about hormones? We're here to support you!

| Society News

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As a clinician, scientist or nurse, you may want to engage with non-specialists about endocrinology for many reasons, such as increasing impact, inspiring young people to join the discipline, encouraging behavioural change, developing new skills, or it could simply be a requirement of your latest research grant. Whatever your motivations, the Society for Endocrinology can support you, by offering training and the practical tools and opportunities to put your ideas into practice.


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We can train and support you in your outreach efforts. The Society offers training, toolkits and resources to get you started or help you try something new.

Formal courses include:

  • Introduction to public engagement
  • Developing your engagement skills
  • Introduction to the news media
  • Hands-on media training


"It is useful to remember that, while only 0.00001% of the population will ever read our papers, the other 99.9% pay for our salaries and fund our research. I would therefore argue that it is our duty to engage with the public." Giles Yeo, Cambridge



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There are various opportunities (that don’t take up loads of time!) for you to try public engagement for the first time, or gain further experience.

  • Respond to media enquiries that come to the Society and work with journalists to get the right information about hormones into the media
  • Volunteer to work on a Society stand at the Lancashire Science Festival (29 June–1 July) or Lambeth Country Show (15–16 July)
  • Partner with a science communicator to develop a Society- funded project and learn from the professionals
  • Apply independently for a Society Public Engagement Grant before the next deadline of 30 September


"Public engagement, when done well, can have an impact on you, your research and practice, and those you engage with. It can be challenging, but it can also be enormously rewarding. It could be as easy as just starting a conversation about your work." Sophie Duncan, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement



  • You & Your Hormones, the Society’s official public information site (under redevelopment)
  • Tried-and-tested templates and resources to plan your own activities
  • Share your own established resources to increase their impact

For the latest information on training, support and opportunities, visit our outreach section or contact

The Endocrinologist


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