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Issue 123 Spring 2017

Endocrinologist > Spring 2017 > Hot topics

Effect of GH deficiency on social development

| Hot topics

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While we know that hypopituitarism diagnosed at an early age has the potential to influence growth and somatic development, we understand relatively little about how this condition affects other facets of development.

Mitra and colleagues analysed information from the KIMS database (Pfizer International Metabolic Database) on the long term safety and clinical outcomes of growth hormone (GH) replacement in GH-deficient adults. Their aim was to examine how social, education and vocational outcomes were affected by onset of GH deficiency in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, compared with adult-onset controls.

They found patients diagnosed during childhood (<16 years) and in young adulthood (16–25 years) were 4.5–8 times more likely to live at home with their parents. They were also significantly less likely to live with a partner or to have children. No significant differences were found in educational or vocational attainments between the groups.

The authors conclude that the identification of differences in social attainment should be fed into the delivery of endocrine care in both paediatric and adult services.

Read the full article in Clinical Endocrinology doi: 10.1111/cen.13291

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