Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Public Engagement Committee

Reviews and develops Society strategy on public engagement, the Committee oversees a programme of public events, development of resources and training opportunities for members.

Public Engagement Committee remit


Over the last 3 years the committee has:

  • Earned an ASE Green Tick Certification for the You and Your Hormones website
  • Assembled a dedicated Board of Content Editors who ensure You and Your Hormone articles are accurate, up to date and relevant to the public
  • Produced an animated video explaining 'What is endocrinology?' for schoolchildren and the public
  • Launched two series of the award-winning, myth-busing podcast, ‘Hormones: The Inside Story’.
  • Developed the virtual schools outreach initiative to help members engage directly with schoolchildren and inspire them about endocrinology
  • Held a public event at our SfE BES conference to engage with the local community and give members the opportunity to try some outreach
  • Ran training sessions to equip members with tools to help them deliver their own public engagement initiatives or work with the media
  • Influenced the way in which endocrine science is reported in the media through a dedicated team of Media Ambassadors


Niamh Martin (London) (Chair)

Tajudin Adetunji (Nigeria)

Anjali Amin (London)

Abigail Byford (Huddersfield)

Fiona Docherty (Birmingham)

Caroline Gillett (Birmingham)

John Hough (Nottingham)

Alan Kelsall (Sheffield)

Lewis Mattin (London)

Sinead McGlacken-Byrne (London)

Edouard Mills (London)

Annice Mukherjee (Salford)

Jovanna Tsoutsouki (London)


Nauman Jadoon (Glasgow)

Punith Kempegowda (Birmingham)

Lorna Smith (London)


Ali Abbara (Editor, You and Your Hormones) (London)

Lisa Shepherd (Nurse Committee rep) (Birmingham)