Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Nurse Committee

Develops clinical practice, supports training and education, and raises the profile of endocrine nursing.

Nurse Committee remit

Over the last 3 years:

  • Started developing the 3rd edition of the Competency Framework for Adult Endocrine Nursing, launching end of 2024
  • Oversaw additional translations of the 2nd edition of the Competency Framework into French, German, Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Italian widening its impact across Europe. Upcoming translations include Mandarin, Hindi and Russian.
  • Collaborated with the Clinical Committee on ways to improve awareness and patient safety for diabetes insipidus 


Louise Breen (London) (Chair)

Helen Loo (Oxford) (Chair-Elect)

Heather Allmond (Doncaster) 

Joanne Brown (Stockport)

Ottillia Buch (York)

Kate Davies (London)

Anna Hawkins (Ilford)

Nadia Nikolova (London) 

Laura Serban (Cambridge)

Cosmina Schiteanu (Stoke)

Lisa Shepherd (Birmingham)

Claire Stirling (Aberdeen)

Katherine White (West Malling)



Kirsten Davidse (The Netherlands)


Ex Officio

Helen Turner (Clinical Committee rep) (Oxford)