Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Grants Committee

Supports our new grants strategy which will foster a fairer selection process based on merit. This new Grants Committee will ensure that the Society is operating in line with current best practice and is transparent, representative and effective in supporting its diverse membership.

Grants Committee remit


Launched in January 2024, the Committee has:

  • Developed the Guidance for Applicants, application forms and marking guidelines for the Society’s new portfolio of five grants covering Research, Travel, Meeting, Teaching and Outreach.
  • Developed similar processes for the management and award of the annual Clinical Endocrinology Journal Foundation (CEJF) Research Grant.
  • Assessed, marked and made awards in two grant rounds, with the third grant round of the year currently in progress. 
Read The Endocrinologist article



Jeremy Tomlinson (Oxford) (Chair)

Gabriela da Silva Xavier (Birmingham) (Deputy Chair)

Li Kang (Dundee)

Astrid Hauge-Evans (Roehampton)

Caroline Gillett (Birmingham)

Jenny Fraser (Edinburgh)

Kashyap Patel (Exeter)

Pablo Blanco Martinez de Morentin (Leeds)

Paul Caton (London)

Rachel Lord (Cardiff)

Scott MacKenzie (Glasgow)

Tom Cullen (Coventry)

Mark Christian (Nottingham)

Fadil Hannan (Oxford)

Roland Stimson (Edinburgh)