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Dr Tijana Mitić

Research Fellow | University of Edinburgh

Tijana obtained PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2010. Following two successful postdocs at the Centre for Cardiovascular Science in Edinburgh and at the Bristol Heart Institute, Tijana took a break from academia for family reasons. In 2016 Tijana obtained a highly competitive fellowship from the British Heart Foundation to restart her academic research at the University of Edinburgh deciphering epigenetic regulation in cardiovascular diseases.
In 2019, Tijana obtained a Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy for teaching efforts. Her team investigates the epigenetic changes via long non-coding RNAs in vascular damage. Since 2022 Tijana led BHF Transitional Fellowship project on the regulation of novel endothelial cell-specific and enhancer-derived lncRNA-actions in cardiometabolic diseases. Tijana is a leader on a European CostAction project on multiomics in atherosclerosis, a Senior Editor of JME, and a 2020 SfE Leadership and Development Awardee.